Maybe – maybe not!

Are you a Target customer?

This may just be an advertisement that made it into your messages. But if you’re not sure, don’t click on the link. Instead, go directly to the Target website to see “what deals they have for you.”

But option “A” was the suspicious message. It was a “clickbait” message.

Texting Owl

“Clickbait” is an “over-the-top” headline that encourages you to click a link to an article, image, or video. Instead of presenting objective facts, clickbait headlines often appeal to your emotions and curiosity.

Once you click, the website hosting the link earns revenue from advertisers, but the actual content is usually of questionable quality and accuracy and can even be dangerous.

Sometimes it’s difficult to spot the difference between clickbait and a legitimate headline.

Vague headlines and images that let your imagination run wild are a sign it is not real news. Clickbait also uses shock and outrage to grab your attention, as well as numbered lists, like “17 Facts You Won’t Believe Are True.”

Here’s a simple way to tell if you’re looking at a clickbait article: If the headline tells you how to feel instead of letting you come up with your own reaction, it’s probably clickbait.

Have you ever said something you wish you hadn’t? Tap your answer: