Hmmm! You think?!

The correct answer is:

Dear valued customer of TrustedBank, We have recieved notice that you have recently attempted to withdraw the following amount of money from your checking account while in another country: $135.25 If this information is not correct, someone unknown may have access to your account. As a safety measure, please visit our website via the link below to verify your personal information. Visit this link: Thank you, TrustedBank

YOUR answer was:

6abc Action News via AccuWeather: Much Milder Tomorrow Meteorologist Adam Joseph says we're warming up as we head to the weekend, but we're tracking the chance for more rain. TONIGHT: Clouds will be on the increase with still a chill in the air, low 37. FRIDAY: We'll have some sunny breaks during the morning commute. Clouds will continue to thicken as the day goes on as warmer air moves in thanks to a south-southwesterly wind, high 64. By the evening commute we'll be dealing with mainly cloudy skies with a shower in spots.

You may not have expected an email from “6abc” but there is nothing about it to signal it might be a scam. That said, if you suspect ANY email, delete it immediately.

The reason the bank email raises red flags is that a bank will NEVER ask you for your banking information or any private information. (To learn more about email safety, tap here to go to that tutorial.)

Here’s the next question:

Question 7 of 17:

Which of the following sample text messages raises red flags?